Terms and Conditions of Subscriber Members’ Service Use

Chapter 1. General Use Agreement

Article 1. Purpose

These Terms and Conditions are intended to set forth the rights, obligations and responsibilities of Users in using the publ services (the “Services”) provided by CYCLOPS Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) and the site (the “Channel”) constructed with the Services. 

Article 2. Definitions

2.1 As used herein, the following terms means as follows:

  1. publ Services: mean e-commerce related services and other services which the Company provides for issuance, access, paid transaction, sales management, purchase management of the Contents and the PCs, mobile websites and applications provided by the Company to ensure that the Seller can issue the Contents, register and manage the goods in charge and the subscriber members can access to the Contents by purchasing the right to use and use of Seller Services. 
  2. Channel: means a space for the seller account to provide the Subscriber Members with the Contents by utilizing the digital information in the publ Services.
  3. Goods: mean the Contents or the right to use for access to the Contents for which the Seller carries out the mail order sales of tangible and intangible goods and services provided to the Subscriber Members by using the Company’s Services and the Company carries out the brokerage of mail order sales. They include not only video consultation, VOD contents, commercial program and data but also all the articles to be purchased by the Subscriber Members after making payment for them in internet. 
  4. Contents: mean the information or a set of the information which is structured in a form of signal, text, voice, sound, picture, photo, video and link and produced in a form of material, to which the Seller duly obtains the right and which is to be provided to the Subscriber Members through the Services.
  5. User Member: means a person who enters into a use agreement with the Company for using the publ Services. 
  6. Subscriber Member: means a person who obtains rights including goods purchase for using the Services provided by the Seller and uses tangible and intangible goods or services including Contents among the User Members. 

2.2 The definitions of terms which are not defined shall be determined by the laws, regulations and general customary practices.  

Article 3. Post and Revision of Terms and Conditions

3.1 The Company posts these Terms and Conditions in the way as set forth in Clause 8 to ensure that the Users easily knows these Terms and Conditions. 

3.2 Any matter which is not set forth herein or the construction of these Terms and Conditions shall be determined by the ‘Act on Protection of Consumers in E-commerce’, the ‘Act on Regulations of Terms and Conditions’, the ‘Guidelines on Consumer Protection in E-commerce’ as established by the Fair Transaction Commission, applicable laws and regulations or customary practices. 

3.3 The Company may revise these Terms and Conditions to the extent that such revision does not violate applicable laws and regulations including the ‘Act on Protection of Consumers in E-commerce’, the ‘Act on Regulations of Terms and Conditions’, the ‘Framework Act on E-document and E-transactions’, the ‘E-financial transaction Act’, the ‘E-signature Act’, the ‘Act on Promotion of Telecommunications Use and Information Protection’, the ‘Door-to-Door Sales Act’ and the ‘Framework Act on Consumers’. 

3.4 Upon revision of these Terms and Conditions, the Company clearly indicates and notifies the details and application date of such revision for the period from 7 days before to application date in the way as set forth in Clause 8: provided that, if such revision is disadvantageous to the Users, such revision will be publicly notified from at least 30 days before application date to the application date.

3.5 If the User Member does not consent to revised Terms and Conditions, the Member may express its intent to reject prior to application date of revised Terms and Conditions and terminate the use agreement hereunder.

3.6 If the User Member fails to express its intent to reject such revised Terms and Conditions even though the Company clearly makes public notice or informs that the User Member will be deemed to have consent thereto unless the User Member expresses its intent to reject to revised Terms and Conditions prior to the application date of revised Terms and Conditions as set forth in Clause 3.4 hereof, the User Member shall be deemed to have consented to such revised Terms and Conditions.

Article 4. Provision and Modification of Services

4.1 The Company provides the following Services:

  1. These Services mean the e-commerce services (including mail order brokerage service), services in which the Seller provides Contents through the Channel, and other services accompanied thereto.  
  2. These Services mean the services or duties as designated by the Company. 

4.2 Upon sold-out of Goods or modification of technical specifications, the Company may modify the details of the Goods to be provided under the contract to be entered in the future. In such event, the Company will clearly indicate and immediately notify in the place where the details of current Goods are posted the details of modified Goods.  

4.3 Upon modification of the details of Service to be provided by the Company for which the Company enters into an agreement with the User Member for the reason of sold-out of Goods or modification of technical specifications, the Company shall immediately notify to the User Member the cause thereof in the way as set forth in Clause 11. 

Article 5. Suspension of Services

5.1 The Company may temporarily suspend its provision of Services in cases where the causes of act of God, force majeure equivalent thereto, repair/inspection/replacement and replacement of communication facilities including the computers and communication break occur.  

5.2 The Company shall be liable for the damage incurred by the User Member and the Subscriber Member caused by temporary suspension of provision of Services for the causes as set forth in the foregoing Paragraph 5.1: provided that this shall not apply to the cases where the Company proves that it has no willful misconduct or negligence of the Company. 

5.3 If the Services cannot be provided for the reason of changes in business items, termination or abandonment of business, closure of company, merger, split, and business transfer, the Company will inform to the Members in the way as set forth in Clause 8 and compensate to the User Members and the Subscriber Members under the conditions as suggested by the Company. 

Article 6. Membership 

6.1 Any person desiring to become a Member shall file a membership application by filling out the member information in the membership application form as designated by the Company and expressing its intent to agree to these Terms and Conditions.  

6.2 The Company register such person (applicant) filing a membership application as set forth in the foregoing Paragraph 6.1 to the extent that such person does not fall under any of the followings. If the Company rejects or delays the approval of membership application, the Company will inform to the Member under Clause 8 hereof: 

  1. when the applicant has lost a member qualification before under Paragraph 7.3 hereof;
  2. when 1 month does not lapse from the date when the membership is withdrawn upon request of the Member; 
  3. when there is clear false entry, omission or misspelling in the member information filled in by the applicant; 
  4. when the applicant is not verified or verified not to be the applicant him/herself while the Company conducts the self-verification process;
  5. when the applicant is under 14; or
  6. when the registration of the applicant is technically impossible in the Channel or considered to give strikingly disturbance on the operation, maintenance and management of the Channel.

6.3 The membership agreement shall be formed when the Company’s acceptance arrives to the applicant. 

6.4 Upon changes in member information, the Member shall reflect such changes in a way of making corrections in such member information. Otherwise, the Company will not be liable for the damage incurred by the Member caused by the failure to make such corrections. 

6.5 The Company may restrict on the Member’s Service use or Goods purchase or request for the process including age and self-verification to the Member in order to comply with the limit on level and age under applicable laws and regulations including the ‘Promotion of the Motion Pictures and Video Products Act’, the ‘Juvenile Protection Act’, and the ‘Chemical Control Act’.  

Article 7. Withdrawal of Membership and Disqualification 

7.1 Any Member may request to the Company for withdrawal of membership at any time, and the Company will immediately handle such withdrawal thereafter. Upon withdrawal of membership, the member will be disqualified, and various discount coupons and event benefits provided by the Company or Seller will disappear: provided that, if there exist unused rights including subscription as of such withdrawal, the Member shall be deemed to have given up and such rights will completely disappear: provided that, if there are any use fees including payment for goods to the Company or Seller, the withdrawal will be limited.   

7.2 If a Member falls under any of the following causes, the Company may limit or deprive the qualification of Member:

  1. when the Member fills in false entry in the member information or steals the information of others; 
  2. when the Member fails to repay the debt borne by itself as a Subscriber Member for the payment for the goods purchased by using the Channel and other use of Channel on the payment date; 
  3. when the Member interferes other Member’s use of Channel or steals the information and threats the order of e-commerce;  
  4. when a notice or contact cannot be given to the Member arising out of the fault of the Member including mistaken entry in or failure to change the member information including address and email even through the Company made its best effort in giving such notice or contacting;  
  5. when the Member commits any act in violation of its obligations as set forth in Clause 12 hereof; or
  6. when the Member commits any act in violation of the provision hereof or use policy of the Company or against applicable laws, regulations and good moral. 

7.3 If the Member repeats the act for not less than twice after the Company restricts on the member qualification of the Member for the same act or the cause of such disqualification is not remedied within 30 days, the Company may disqualify the Member. 

7.4 Upon disqualification of the Member, the Company may expunge the registration of the Member and, in such event, the Company may expunge the registration of the Member having the ID which is confirmed to be owned by such Member at once. In such event, the Company informs to the Member under Clause 8 and gives to the Member an opportunity to explain by giving 30 days period at minimum. 

Article 8. Notice to Members

8.1 The Company may give a notice required by these Terms and Conditions in a way of email, (mobile) phone number, address provided by the User Member, official online sites (publr.co) and Seller’s Channel.  

8.2 The User Member shall provide the Company with the email, (mobile) phone number, and address which are actually accessible by the Company, keep this information updated, and check the notice of the Company. 

8.3 The Company shall not be responsible for any disadvantage arising out of the negligence of the User Member in performing its obligations as set forth in the foregoing Paragraph 8.2 without the willful misconduct or negligence of the Company. 

Article 9. Provision of Information and Post of Advertisement

9.1 By posting it in bulletin board or sending by email, SMS, telephone call, and App push, the Company may provide the Members with various information which is considered as necessary to the Members while using the Services. And the Members may reject to receiving an email at any time except for the guide of procedure, reply to the answer to the customer inquiry and other transaction-related information for carrying out the obligations imposed to the Company under applicable laws and regulations. 

9.2 The Company may post an advertisement in the service screen and email related to the operation of Services. Any Member receiving the email containing such advertisement may reject to receive such e-mail, and the Company will provide the Member with the method of such rejection. 

Article 10. Company’s Obligations

10.1 The Company does not commit any act prohibited hereby or against the laws, regulations or public order and makes its best effort in providing the Services stably. 

10.2 The Company shall have a security system for the protection of Personal Information (including credit information) of the Members so that the Members can safely use the Services, notify and comply with the privacy policy.  

10.3 The Company does not send any profit seeking advertising email and App push to which the Member does not consent. 

10.4 If any opinion or complaint presented by the Member is considered as objectively legitimate, the Company shall make its best efforts in solving such complaint. 

Article 11. Members’ Obligations for ID and Password 

11.1 The Member shall be responsible for managing his or her ID and password. 

11.2 The Member shall not provide, disclose to a 3rd party or have a 3rd party to use his or her ID and password.  

11.3 The Member shall be liable for all disadvantages including loss and damage caused by failure to comply with the obligations under this Clause including the Member’s failure to change his or her password even if the Member knows the leakage of his or her ID and password or a 3rd party’s use, or the Member’s failure to inform the Company of this circumstance nor respond to the Company’s measures. 

Article 12. Members’ Obligations

12.1 The Members shall comply with the provisions hereof, use policy of Company, details of use guide and applicable laws and regulations and shall not commit any act obstructing the business of the Company.  

12.2 The Members shall not commit any of the following act: 


  1. General prohibited acts:
  1. Steal other’s ID; 
  2. Transfer or lease any Login Information to others;
  3. Damage to the reputation of or insult others;
  4. Act which falls under Clause 15 hereof;
  5. Fail to use real name or use the name of others;
  6. Fill out false information or fail to fill out the details as suggested by the Company;
  7. Attempt to use or distribute any Contents which the youth is prohibited to use under the Juvenile Protection Act;
  8. Post or link any harmful information including obscene information and false or illegal information through the Services;
  9. Commit any act harmful to others and the Company including hacking, computer virus distribution and server attack;
  10. Transmit massive information for the purpose of disturbance of stable operation of Services or continuously transmit advertising information against the will of recipient;
  11. Commit any act which may cause disturbance or failure of the Services;
  12. Transfer, give or provide as security its rights or obligations hereunder to another person without prior written consent of the Company;
  13. Commit any act engaging crime or violating applicable laws and regulations; and
  14. Commit any other acts which are prohibited in the Operational Policy because the Company considers that restriction on the use of the Services is necessary.
  1. Prohibited acts related to registration and sales of Goods:
  1. Register the Goods falsely or carry out transactions including purchase of Goods of the Seller by using the account of others including family members or acquaintances;
  2. Use the logo, image, and name provided by the Company for other usage or location than the purpose designated by the Company;
  3. Make settlement which is abnormal or violates the ‘Specialized Credit Financial Business Act’ and the ‘Act on Promotion of Telecommunications Use and Information Protection’ and other applicable laws and regulations including circulation of cash disguised as sales of Goods or provision of services;
  4. Disguise the transactions generated in offline and the services provided by 3rd party for the purpose of unfair receipt of coupons and mileage provided by the Company as the one in the Services of the Company, and reorder and send any transaction case generated in the services provided by a 3rd party;    
  5. Manipulate the number of agreed, comments, hits, and sales by itself, or through a 3rd party; and 
  6. Commit any acts which infringe or would infringe on the right of the Company or a 3rd party, or threaten the order of e-commerce as equivalent to these acts as described above sentences.

12.3 For the Member violating the foregoing Paragraph 12.2, the Company may take measures including termination of agreement, collection of subscription or discount coupon, restriction on member qualification, and delay in cash refund, and legal measures, civil and criminal.  

12.4 The details as set forth in the foregoing Paragraphs 12.2 and 12.3 shall be set forth in additional ‘Operational Policy’.

Article 13. Protection of Personal Information

13.1 The Company collects the Personal Information at the minimum within the scope necessary for providing the Services when collecting the Personal Information of the Member. 

13.2 The Company does not collect in advance any information necessary for performing purchase agreement while filing membership application: provided that this shall not apply to the cases where the Company collects certain Personal Information at the minimum as a case that self-verification is necessary before the purchase agreement for performing obligations under applicable laws and regulations. 

13.3 In collecting and using the Personal Information of the Member, the Company notifies the purpose to the Member and obtains consent of the Member.  

13.4 The Company shall not use any collected Personal Information for other usage than the purpose thereof and, if any new usage of such Personal Information occurs or such Personal Information is provided to a 3rd party, the Company shall notify the purpose to the Member and obtains consent of the Member at the stage of the use and provision thereof unless otherwise stated in applicable laws and regulations. 

13.5 If the Company must obtain consent of the Member under the foregoing Paragraph 13.3 and 13.4, the Company shall clearly state or notify in advance the personal identity (department, name and telephone number and other contact information) of a person responsible for managing the Personal Information, purpose of collection and use of information, and the matters related to the provision of information to a 3rd party (including the receiving person, purpose of provision and details of information to be provided) as prescribed in the ‘Act on Promotion of Telecommunications Use and Information Protection’, and the Member may withdraw this consent at any time. 

13.6 The Member may request for access to and correction of error in his or her Personal Information possessed by the Company at any time, and the Company is obliged to take necessary measures without delay. Upon such request, the Company will not use such Personal Information until such error is corrected.  

13.7 The Company shall limit the number of persons handling the Personal Information of Members to the minimum for protection of the Personal Information and be fully liable for the damage incurred by the Members caused by the loss, theft, leakage, provision to a 3rd party without consent, and alteration of Personal Information of Members including the credit card and bank account. 

13.8 Upon achievement of purpose of collection or provision of the Personal Information, the Company or a 3rd party receiving the Personal Information from the Company shall destruct such Personal Information without delay. 

13.9 The Company does not set the line of consent to the collection, use and provision of Personal Information as selected in advance. In addition, the Company clearly indicates the Services to be restricted in detail in case of rejection of such consent, does not limit or reject the provision of Services including membership for the reason of the Member’s rejection to such consent to the collection, use and provision of the Personal Information the collection of which is not required.  

13.10. The Company’s Privacy Policy does not apply to the cases where the Personal Information is sent and received through the communication means including message and video sent and received with the seller in a separate way than the one (including technical measures including entry of profile information while joining membership and subscribing the Channel) officially provided by the Company, and the Company will not be responsible therefor. In addition, even in case of receipt of the Personal Information delivered from external site linked to the Channel, the Privacy Policy of the Company will not apply and the Company will not be responsible there for.   

13.11 If the case falls under any of the followings, the Company may provide a 3rd party with the Personal Information of Members within the scope permissible by the laws: 

  1. when the Company is required by investigation agencies and other government agencies to provide information for provision of information under lawful process institutions; 
  2. when necessary to check the Member’s wrongful act including violation of applicable laws and regulations;
  3. when minimum information of the Member (name, address and telephone number) necessary for the transactions and shipment is provided to the seller or shipping company; 
  4. when necessary for performing the purchase agreement in case of completion of purchase or necessary for return, exchange, refund and cancellation even after completion of purchase; or 
  5. when it is required by applicable laws and regulations.

13.12 Any matter which is not set forth in this Clause shall be determined in the ‘Privacy Policy’ prepared by the Company. 

Article 14. Method of Payment

14.1 The payment for the goods purchased in the Channel may be made in any of the following ways: 

  1. various account transfer of phone banking and internet banking; 
  2. various card settlement including prepaid cards, cash cards and credit cards;
  3. online deposit without bank book; 
  4. settlement with e-cash;
  5. making payment while receiving;  
  6. settlement with gift certificate contracted with or recognized by the Company; or 
  7. making payment in a way of other e-payment.

14.2 The Member shall fully bear responsibilities and disadvantages caused by the information entered by him or her related to the settlement for purchase price. 

14.3 The Company cannot additionally collect the fee for the payment method of the Member in addition to the payment for the goods: provided that the Company may invoice to the Member the liquidated damage including overdue payment notified while using the deferred payment settlement service for the payment for the goods. 

Article 15. Members’ Obligation to Protect Copyright

15.1 All Contents provided by the Seller to the Subscriber Members through the Channel are the contents the copyright of which is owned by the Seller or licensed by the provider of individual contents, and the Subscriber Members are obliged to protect the right of the Seller.  

15.2 The scope of license to the paid service Contents purchased by the Member is limited to personal and non-commercial use of the Member purchasing such Contents. A group showing is not included in the scope of license even it is non-profit and non-commercial unless otherwise licensed by the Seller. 

15.3 The Member shall not attempt to: reproduce, re-distribute, sell, lease, transfer, otherwise grant a sublicense of the paid Service purchased by him or her to a 3rd party (including the method of providing password or authentication certificate for connecting with video contents); circumvent, remove, inactivate or damage the encoding, right indication and copy prevention technology protecting the Contents; or decompile, revise, reproduce, reverse engineering, manipulate or separate the computer file in which the Contents are stored in a form edible to the person.

15.4 The Member shall use the Contents purchased by him or her in the paid Service as they are provided by the Channel and shall not edit, modify, dramatize or produce a derivative work unless otherwise licensed by the Seller.  

15.5 Upon occurrence of copyright infringement under this Clause, the Member may be liable for the damage incurred by the Seller and, in such event, the Member shall indemnify the Company. 

15.6 Upon occurrence of copyright infringement under this Clause, the Member may be deemed to obstruct the normal business of the Company and be liable for the damage incurred by the Company. 

Article 16. Dispute Resolution

16.1 Channel shall promptly and properly handle and inform the result of any opinion or complaint presented by the Member: provided that, if such prompt handling is difficult, the Channel informs the Member of the reason and handling schedule.   

16.2 If such opinion presented by the Member is not handled for the reason of its unreasonableness, the Channel informs the Member of such reason.  

16.3 Should any dispute occur between the Channel and the Member, the Channel or the Member may file an application for dispute mediation to the Content Dispute Mediation Committee under Article 30 of the ‘Content Industry Promotion Basic Act’. 

Article 17. Jurisdiction and Governing Law

Any dispute between the Company and the Member shall be governed by the laws of Republic of Korea and be finally settled by the Seoul District Court having jurisdiction under the Civil Procedure Act. 

Chapter 2. E-Commerce Use Agreement

Article 18. Purchase Application and Consent to Provision of Personal Information

18.1 The Company files an application for the purchase in the Services in any of the following or similar methods, and the Company shall provide the following details to ensure that the Member will be able to easily understand: 

  1. search and selection of the goods; 
  2. information of the Seller providing the Contents;  
  3. entry of the name, address, telephone number and email address (or mobile phone number) of the receiving person; 
  4. confirmation of the details of the Terms and Conditions, the Service the subscription withdrawal right of which is restricted, and cost bearing including shipping charge and installation fee; 
  5. indication of consent to these Terms and Conditions, confirmation or rejection to the matters as set forth in the foregoing Subparagraph 18.1.c (for example, mouse click)
  6. filing an application for purchase of the goods, confirmation to the application or consent to the Company’s confirmation; or 
  7. selection of settlement method. 

18.2 If necessary to provide a 3rd party with the Personal Information of the Member, the Company shall obtain consent of the Member when actually filing purchase application and does not obtain blank consent in advance when filing membership application. In such event, the Company shall clearly indicate to the Member the items of Personal Information, person receiving the Personal Information, receiving person’s purpose of use of the Personal Information, retention and use period. 

18.3 If necessary to consign the business of processing of the Personal Information of the Member (including collection, generation, connection, linkage, record, storage, possession, processing, edition, search, print out, correction, restoration, use, provision, disclosure, destruction and other similar acts) to a 3rd party, the Company shall obtain consent of the Member when actually filing purchase application and shall not obtain blank consent in advance when filing membership application. In such event, the Company shall clearly indicate to the Member the person accepting the Personal Information processing consignment, and the details of business to be consigned for the Personal Information processing: provided that, if otherwise stated in the ‘Act on Promotion of Telecommunications Use and Information Protection’, such Act shall be complied with. 

Article 19. Formation of Agreement

19.1 If the case falls under any of the followings as for the purchase application as set forth in Clause 18 hereof, the Company may not accept the agreement: provided that, if an agreement is entered with a minor, the Company shall notify that the minor himself or herself or his or her legal representative may cancel the agreement if the legal representative’s consent cannot be obtained:  

  1. when the details of application have a falsity, omission or misspelling; 
  2. when a minor purchases any goods prohibited under the “Juvenile Protection Act’;
  3. when any Member whose qualification is limited or lost under Clause 7 files a purchase application; 
  4. when the Member filing a purchase application obstructs the trade order of Channel or the business of the Company including the Member filing the purchase application’s overlapped purchase of the goods for the purpose of re-sale; 
  5. when the sales of goods are suspended due to a disposition of competent agencies; or  
  6. when it is considered that the acceptance to purchase application strikingly obstructs the Company technically. 

19.2 Any agreement shall be formed at the time when the Company’s acceptance arrives to the Member in a form of notice of receipt confirmation as set forth in Paragraph 20.1 hereof. 

19.3 Any indication of the Company’s intent to acceptance shall include the availability of confirmation and sales of the Member’s purchase application, and information of correction and cancellation of the purchase application. 

19.4 If the Company discovers any of causes as set forth in the foregoing Paragraph 19.1 after formation of an agreement, the Company may immediately terminate or cancel such agreement and, in such event, the Company will refund or take necessary measures for refund within 3 business days from the date of the Member’s payment for the Goods. 

Article 20. Modification and Cancellation of Receipt Confirmation Notice and Purchase Application

20.1 Upon purchase application of the Member, the Company gives a notice of receipt confirmation to the Member. 

20.2 If any discrepancy exists in the intent indication, the Member receiving such notice of receipt confirmation may immediately request for the modification and cancellation of such purchase application, and the Company shall handle without delay as requested if the Member makes such request prior to shipment: provided that, if the Member made the payment already, the provision of Clause 24 hereof for withdrawal of subscription shall be complied with. 

Article 21. Purchase and Supply of Paid Goods

21.1 The Seller supplies to the Members paid goods (Contents and services) through the Channel. 

21.2 The Company shall be responsible for technical measures to ensure that the Contents provided by the Seller and the Seller’s subscription of the Channel will be available except for the cases where the Company cannot provide such Contents in normal way including the Seller’s failure to upload such Contents. 

21.3 If there exists a separate understanding for the period of delivery and provision of Goods including the Contents between the Seller and the Member, such understanding shall prevail over these Terms and Conditions. 

Article 22. Automatic Settlement and Termination

22.1 For monthly automatic renewal of the service use agreement and invoice of the use fee for the Channel, the Company may possess settlement related information of Members for the service use period and certain period after the end of the service use period, and the Seller and Channel may access to the information of Members by making a request to publ Services.  

22.2 Upon the Member’s application of automatic settlement, when a separate application for termination is filed, invoice and settlement are automatically made for the paid Service on the designated settlement date and by designated means regardless of actual use of such Service.  

22.3 The expiration date due to termination of automatic settlement is one month from the regular settlement date. Upon termination of automatic settlement, the Member may use the Services for the 1 month from the regular settlement date. 

22.4 If a Member uses other person’s settlement information without consent, the Member shall be responsible for that civil and criminal and may be punished under applicable laws and regulations. 

22.5 If a regular settlement cannot be made for the reasons of changes in settlement information, loss of credit card and mobile phone and others, the service use will be automatically suspended when one (1) month lapses from the last regular settlement date. 

22.6 Services shall not be liable for the damage caused by the suspension of regular settlement and the service use arising out of the fault of the Member including a failure to pay the use fee. 

Article 23. Members’ Withdrawal of Subscription and Cancellation of Settlement 

23.1 Any Member entering into an agreement for the use of the paid Service with the Seller or Channel may withdraw the subscription within 7 days from the date of receipt of notice of receipt confirmation: provided that, if the Seller or Channel takes any of the following measures, the Member’s right to withdraw the subscription may be restricted: 

  1. when the provision of Contents which falls under the goods commences in a way of streaming /download;
  2. when: the goods provided in the event are lost or damaged arising out of the fault of the Member; the value of such goods is reduced by the use or partial consumption of the Member so strikingly; the time lapses and the value of such goods reduces so strikingly that such goods cannot be sold again; and the package of reproducible goods is damaged; or   
  3. when the Member uses directly without paying the costs including acquisition thereof free of charge through promotion.

23.2 The withdrawal of subscription as set forth in the foregoing Paragraph 23.1 comes to effect when the Member expresses its intent to the Channel or ‘publ Services’ in a way of technical means, telephone call, email or fax provided by the Services. 

23.3 In receiving such expression of intent to withdraw the subscription expressed by the Member, the Channel or publ Services inform to the Member without delay.  

23.4 Upon withdrawal of use application, the Member may file an application for settlement cancellation processing to the Channel or publ Services depending each settlement method selected by the Member: provided that, if the case falls under any of the followings, such settlement cancellation processing is not possible: 

  1. when the settlement means including event, coupon and compensation are given free in charge; 
  2. when there exist the details of use during relevant period; or 
  3. when the period for settlement cancellation depending on the settlement means lapses.

23.5 If a settlement for the paid Service is made by using any settlement method (including account transfer) with which settlement cancellation processing is impossible, only refund processing is available under Clause 24 hereof. 

23.6 The period when the settlement cancellation is available with each settlement method is as follows and, if such period lapses, settlement cancellation processing is not possible: provided that, the followings may be modified depending on the circumstances of related companies: 

  1. Credit cards: Settlement cancellation is available within 2 months (60 days) from the settlement date: provided that the period when the settlement cancellation is available may differ based on the policy of each relevant credit company. 
  2. Account transfer: Settlement cancellation is not available in the nature of transaction method, and only refund processing deducted by settlement agent fee is available. 

Article 24. Refund Policy

24.1If the goods for which the Member files a purchase application fall under any of the followings, the Company shall inform the Member of the reason thereof and refund or take measures necessary for refund: 

  1. when the fault of the Channel operated by the Seller occurs within 30 days after the date of settlement by the Member and the supply of Contents is barely expected;  
  2. when the Company fails to perform its obligations as set forth in Clause 10 hereof; or
  3. when the Company directly operates the Channel or provide the Contents. 

24.2 In making a refund arising out of the fault of the Channel operated by the Seller, the Service sets off the profit gained by the Member from the use of the Service as follows and refunds by adding 10 % of the balance of payment as penalty for breach: 

   . Total payment for use – (Number of days of use x Daily use fee)

24.3 In making a refund for the fault of the Member, the balance deducted by the amount of profit gained by the Member from the use of Service as set forth in the foregoing Paragraph 24.2 deducted by the penalty for breach (10%) shall be refunded. 

24.4 If the person receiving the payment for the paid Service or the Member is not the same with the person entering into a use agreement for the paid Service, each of them may jointly and severally be responsible for performing the obligations related to the withdrawal of subscription or the termination of relevant agreement.  

24.5 If the case falls under any of the followings, the refund is not available:

  1. when the Members’ obligations as set forth in Clause 12 are violated; 
  2. when it is a coupon issued by the Channel or the ticket for the use of the paid Service received through the winning in event; 
  3. when the Member fails to make settlement directly; or
  4. when the amount subject to deduction which falls under the profit gained by the Member from the use of Services exceeds the actual paid settlement amount. 

24.6 In applying for a refund of already paid settlement amount or payment which cannot be canceled, refund measures are available after confirmation of normal payment of relevant fees. If an intent to get refunded is expressed within the settlement cancellation period, settlement cancellation processing may be considered first and processed.   

24.7 A deposit is available only when the name of account holder of the account of financial institution for refund is the same with the name of member ID registered in the publ Services. 

27.8 Refund is not available in case of theft of Personal Information and settlement information or wrongful settlement and, in such event, the request and check of the Personal Information of the payer are available only through legitimate request of investigation agencies based on applicable laws and regulations.  

27.9 The deposit of refund shall be made in the same way with the settlement means within 3 business days from: 1) the date when the Member expresses its intent to withdraw the use application; 2) the date when a reply to the expression of intent to terminate the use agreement for the paid Service is given to the Member; or 3) the date of loss of member qualification. If such refund in the same way is impossible, a prior notice thereof will be given to the Member: provided that, if a settlement is made by using deferred payment means (credit card and mobile phone), the fact of deposit of settlement details may be checked within 3 months, and thus the refund period may be additionally added by such months.  

27.10 Upon membership withdrawal and refund request, the Company shall not be responsible for the disadvantage arising out of the fault of the Member including misspelling. 


  • Version No: v. 20211011
  • Notification date: Oct. 11, 2021
  • Execution date: Oct.11, 2021